Quiet Activites

I am in need of some ideas so please leave a comment if you can help. If all goes as planned, Turkey-Man will be getting his tonsils removed tomorrow. Then, we embark on a two week adventure in keeping Turkey-Man quiet with no running, jumping, roughhousing, etc.

I will let the laughter of those who know Turkey-Man, die down before I continue………..

Are you ready now?

I am brainstorming ideas on quiet activities that we can do. I know the obvious of movies and electronics, but I would like something besides continuous screen time to help along the way. Generally speaking, he does not do well with anything that requires stillness and concentration, so board games, puzzles, coloring etc are only going to last for short spurts.

What are some other quiet activities that we could do that might engage him for a longer period of time?


    • Those look awesome! He just turned 4. It looks a little advanced for him. What’s been your experience?
      We have MegaBlocks, Trio Blocks, Duplos, and classic lego’s. I am planning on employing those as one of our activities. He gets frustrated easily if he cannot get them to snap together right the first time. This may be a general lesson in perseverance and patience!

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    • We have four different versions of blocks including the duplos and classic legos. He does not have much patience in sitting and putting them together, but this may be a teachable experience in how to persevere despite frustration.


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